Job Opportunities (French; Spanish)
Job Opportunities
Spanish Teacher (LTS), Western PA
Hempfield Area High School, located in Greensburg, Pennsylvania, is looking for a long-term substitute for Spanish to cover two consecutive leaves-of-absence. The first position is to cover a 6-week maternity leave, beginning February 7, 2020. The teacher will be required to teach Spanish 2 and Spanish 3. The second position begins on March 23 until the end of the school year. This position is for Spanish 1 and Spanish 2.
Inquires should be directed to: Erica Shafran,World Language Department Chair or Kathleen Charlton, Principal
Spanish Teacher (LTS), South Central PAThe Derry Township School District in Hershey, PA has TWO (2) long-term substitute Spanish teacher openings. The openings begin approximately January 21, 2020 and last until the end of the school year. For more information, please refer to the posting at the district website.
French Teacher (LTS), South Central PA
The South Middleton School District (Cumberland County) is seeking a Long-Term French teacher at the Yellow Breeches Middle School. This position is tentatively available from March 2, 2019 through June 5, 2019. View the listing on the district website. Contact Department Chair Michael Bogdan at with any questions.
French Teacher (LTS), Central PA
The Camphill School District is seeking a Long-Term Subsitute French Teacher. This position will being mid-January 2020 and continue to the end of the school year. The position entails teaching Exploratory French through Level 5. Load includes 6 teaching periods and 2 planning periods per day. Lots of community, school, administrative and departmental support.
For more information, please contact:,, or