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Job Opportunities (French; German)

Job Opportunities

French Teacher (FT), Central PA

The Central Dauphin School District (Harrisburg area) seeks to fill an open position for one French teacher (full time).  All applications should be made directly online, here.

German Teacher (LTS), Pittsburgh Area

Upper St. Clair School District is seeking a German teacher for a long-term substitute position for the second semester, January 2021 – beginning of June 2021. The position is for 5th and 6th grade German at Boyce Middle School. The 5th grade course is exploratory German and involves approximately one nine-weeks of instruction followed by the same curriculum for the second nine-weeks. The 6th grade course is the first of three years of German I. Classes range from approximately 8 to 22 students.

This classwork can be taught in-person or remotely, depending upon the needs and location of the teacher.  Lesson materials are available.

Please see the link below for additional information.