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Fall Conference (This week); Coffee Hours; AATSP Exams

PSMLA’s Fall Conference 2023 
The countdown has started!  
We can't wait to see our exhibitors, presenters and attendees in Seven Springs THIS WEEK! 
Registered participants have been invited to create their own schedule on Sched. If you did not receive an invitation to Sched, please go to, click on LOG IN, enter your email, and then on RESET YOUR PASSWORD.  
Email or if you have questions!

Coffee Hours in French and Spanish are back! 
PSMLA is pleased to continue to offer an opportunity to engage in the target language with your colleagues across Pennsylvania. 
Coffee Hour Goals 
-Film discussions in French and Spanish to improve proficiency in the languages. 
-Films will provide the context for participants to expand their knowledge of Spanish/ French  speaking cultures, history and literature.   
*Act 48 hours available for PSMLA members.

Registration for AATSP Exams Is Now Open 
Registration for the National Spanish Exam (NSE), the National Portuguese Exam (NPE) and the National Spanish Challenge (NSC) opens from November 1st, 2023 until February 9th, 2024. Exam times vary by exam.  
For more information, visit National Spanish Exams.    
Questions? Visit our new Exams Help Center.  

Applications Open for 2024 Teacher Scholarship Awards 
Teachers who are AATSP Members and administer one of the AATSP Exams are eligible to apply for a stipend to attend the Annual AATSP Conference. The 2024 conference will take place in Downtown Portland from June 29th-July 2nd, 2024. Applications are also open for the Teacher Travel Abroad Scholarship, and the new SHH/SHA Award.  
For more information, visit NSE Teacher Awards.  

Applications Open for 2024 Student Scholarship Awards 
Applications for the Junior Travel Abroad Scholarship, the Senior Scholarship, and the Kevin Cessna-Buscemi Global Citizen Scholarship open on October 2, 2023. Application due dates vary by program.  
For more information, visit NSE Awards.