Coffee Hours; ACTFL Survey
Tech Talk Coffee Hour
The Tech Talk Coffee Hour will be on Wednesday, April 28th, from 4:00 to 5:00 pm via Zoom with Cherie Garrett. This will be a chance to talk with fellow teachers to share and learn the latest technology tools to teach world language and culture. Sign up by noon on Wed., April 28th by clicking on the “Register” button for the Tech Talk Coffee Hour found on the PSMLA webpage.
Venez faire une pause au Café!
Parlez-vous français? View the Coffee Hour Invitation!
Register by May 5th.
Spanish Coffee Hour: Hora del Cafecito
Te invito a disfrutar de la Hora del Cafecito, un espacio para compartir y charlar con nuestros colegas en un ambiente informal y relajado.
The Spanish Coffee Hour will be on Wednesday, May 19, from 4:00 to 5:00pm vía Zoom with Isabel.
Deadline for registration is Wednesday, May 19 by noon
Register here.
Machen wir ein Päuschen, wo wir zusammen einen Kaffee trinken und uns unterhalten können!
Please join us for a coffee break and some time to enjoy conversation with other German speakers. We will meet on Wednesday, May 14, from 4:00-5:00 pm via Zoom. Please register with your email address here by noon on May 14 for the Zoom invitation.
ACTFL/CAEP Teacher Preparation Standards.
As members of the Teacher Development SIG, you are invited to provide feedback on the current 2013 version of the ACTFL/CAEP Program Standards for the Preparation of Foreign Language Teachers. You understand the importance of these Standards, and we hope you will offer feedback! We value your expertise, experience, and opinions about language teacher preparation and hope you are willing to share them with us as they relate to these Standards. We anticipate that each Standard will take approximately 3-10 minutes to read and provide feedback. You will be able to return to the survey until you submit your responses. The survey will be open until Sunday, May 9th (note extended date) at 11:59 PM Eastern Time. Your responses will be kept anonymous.