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APPLES Conference; PSMLA Tech Garden; DECTFL

APPLES Fall Workshop

The Appalachian Professional Language Educators’ Society (APPLES) will present its fall workshop and membership meeting on October 3, 2020

Workshop title:  E-Portfolios and ACTFL Can-Do Statements

Date: October 3, 2020

Presenter:  Jennifer Campbell of Manheim Central High School.

There is no cost for this workshop – only APPLES dues ($15 for teachers, $7.50 for students

Full Workshop details and registration information available:


While the 2020 Fall conference has been postponed, PSMLA still recognizes the need for our professional learning now more than ever! Join PSMLA’s resident tech gurus Silvina Orsatti, Edith Guay, Wilma Dunkle, and Cherie Garrett for overviews and demonstrations of tech apps that can be used in the virtual or hybrid modes of instruction. The virtual Tech Garden webinar will be presented on Saturday, October 17 from 10:00 to 11:00am. This event is open to all teachers and PSMLA membership is not required to attend. Register for this event at Those registered will receive an invitation via e-mail before the webinar.  

Announcing  DECTFL Virtual Conference

DECTFL Virtual Fall Conference ((Delaware Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages) will host a virtual conference on Friday, October 9th, 2020.  On this day, attendees will have over 25 sessions aligned with the ACTFL Guiding Principles for Language Learning to choose from.  Following the conference, recorded versions of all presentations will be available on the DECTFL  website for an entire year to paid attendees.  

Current members of PSMLA will pay DECTFL members’ pricing of $25 instead of the $55 non-member pricing.  Please reach out to Vinny Civarelli ( if you have any questions.  I hope that you decide to join us this October for some quality learning and networking.