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PEP Awards: Application Deadline Approaching 

Applications must be postmarked no later than Saturday, February 10, 2018. See guidelines on the psmla website.

Mail the completed application packet to: 

Mrs. Mina Levenson

2737 Mount Royal Road

Pittsburgh PA 15217

If you have any questions, contact the PEP HOTLINE at:  

Mina Levenson, Thekla Fall, PEP Co-Chairs

Job Opportunities

Spanish Teacher (FT), Southeastern PA

Full Time Spanish Teacher needed for an independent, Catholic, co-educational school in Delaware County for students in Kindergarten through Grade Eight.   Requirements include fluency in Spanish and English, a bachelor’s degree, teaching experience, technology, and outstanding communication skills. Certification preferred.      

Interested candidates should email a letter of interest and résumé to: 

Spanish Teacher (LTS), Pittsburgh Area

Norwin High School is looking for a certified Spanish teacher to fulfill a maternity leave substitute position for April and May of this school year. The position includes teaching Spanish I, Spanish IV and V.  If interested, please contact Missy Eamigh at or call 724-861-3000 ext. 1136.