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100 Years of PSMA, a look back!

Celebrating 100 years of PSMLA!

This was found in the PSMLA Archives from 1923 as a rationale for PSMLA membership:

 …”Unfortunately, many teachers see no personal advantage in membership; they want to know “what is in it” for them. The answer is not far to seek and may be briefly stated;  “what there is in it for them is their “job.” Teachers do not sufficiently realize the trend of the times; things are not as they were; in the face of the modern demand for efficiency the close scrutiny and scientific measurement to which every course in the school curriculum is subjected to determine its absolute worth, no subject can hope to survive that does not justify its existence by positive proof of its effective contribution to the lives of the students.”   

What was PSMLA working on at the time? PA foreign language teacher certification requirements.