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PSMLA Webinar on September 12, 2020

September 12, 2020

Pivoting instruction in a changing landscape: Strategies for maintaining engagement in diverse settings

Join us on September 12, 2020 at 9:30 am for a two-hour live online professional development opportunity. This is a live repeat of the August 13 workshop.

Join 2019 PSMLA and 2020 NECTFL Teacher of the Year Megan Flinchbaugh and 2017 PSMLA Outstanding World Language Educator of the Year Nathan Campbell to learn and discuss how to engage your students no matter your instructional setting.

In order to register for the workshop, you will need to log in to your PSMLA account or create a new account. When you click on "Register" you will be asked to log in if you have not done so already. If you need to renew your membership or to create a new account, click here. The workshop is open to all current members as well as to members whose membership has expired or to individuals who sign up for a new account. A membership does not need to be purchased at this time.


More information on the webinar and its presenters