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PSMLA Spring Webinar Series Webinar 3

Date and time:  Thursday, June 10th,  4:00-5:00 PM

Host: Melissa Moran

Description:  Before we wrap up this historic year - let’s take a moment to breathe, reflect and brainstorm the ways in which we can come back stronger! Start the school year off by affirming our students using purposeful educational materials, encouraging student voice and through navigating real world situations to create an environment of respect and academic rigor. Bridging the gap from one level to another can be smooth, purposeful and organic when we leverage student interests. Setting learning goals and measuring progress can take place at any time, multiple times during instruction in an authentic way.

In order to register for this webinar, you will need to log in to your PSMLA account or create a new account. When you click on "Register" you will be asked to log in if you have not done so already. If you need to renew your membership or to create a new account, click here. The webinar is open to all current members as well as to members whose membership has expired or to individuals who sign up for a new account. A membership does not need to be purchased at this time.

Please register by noon on June 10th.   You will receive a zoom link at that time.
