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PSMLA Immersion Day at Chestnut Hill College 2019

PSMLA will host their annual Immersion Day on Saturday, March 9, 2019 at Chestnut Hill College in Philadelphia from 8:30AM to 2:00PM. Teachers of Chinese, French, German, and Spanish will have opportunities to interact with colleagues on topics related to cultural themes in the target language. In addition, teachers of all languages will explore Teaching with

Comprehensible Input (TCI). Sessions will include modeling comprehension-focused interaction around PictureTalk and personalized questions and answers (PQA in the world language classroom . The presenters for this session are Anny Ewing and her team from

TriState TCI/Altamira Language Learning, West Chester Springs, PA.

Attendees who are PSMLA members will be able to earn five hours of ACT 48 credits. The cost is $35 for PSMLA members, $45 for non-members, and $20 for students with college identification. Please note that these fees include a continental breakfast and international luncheon as well as access to exhibitors.

Check out the schedule for the day and the registration form. Please register by Friday, March 1!!  Any questions, email


Non-member $45
Member $35
Student $20

First & Last Name of Attendee