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PSMLA Fall Conference 2018

PSMLA looks forward to welcoming you to Pittsburgh for our annual statewide conference of world language educators on October 12-13, 2018.  The Conference hotel is next to the Smithfield Street Bridge that connects with downtown Pittsburgh where you will have quick access to our vibrant city. Our Pre-Conference Workshop on October 11 will focus on technology, including a visit to the Duolingo Headquarters.

Registration & Conference Rates
Register online for the advanced registration discount until September 18.

Pre-Conference Workshop Details
Digital Games for Language Learning with Silvina Orsatti

Conference Schedule
View the scheduled conference sessions for each day.

Keynote Speaker on October 12 
Dr. Louis von Ahn, Carnegie Mellon University, co-founder and CEO of Duolingo

Entertainment Options and Restaurants in Pittsburgh
View some ideas for entertainment and dining in Pittsburgh


Isabel Espino de Valdivia, Conference Co-Chair (

Mina Levenson, Conference Co-Chair (

Debbie Wills, Session Proposals (

Conference Pictures