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Advertising in PLF

PLF Advertising

Advertise in the Pennsylvania Language Forum

We would like to invite you to advertise in the fall 2023 issue of our premiere language journal, Pennsylvania Language Forum (PLF).  The publication date for the journal will be early October in 2023.  Due date for the ad submission is September 1, 2023.

Given that our journal is now fully digital, we are excited to enable our supporters to include interactive advertising.  For example, the proposed ad may contain a link to a new publication, a web page, or video promoting your organization.

Ad costs - all ads are in color, pdf format:

  • Full page (8.5 inches x 11 inches) : $100
  • Half page (8.5 inches x 5.5 inches) : $50
  • Quarter page (4.25 inches x 5.5 inches) : $25

If you have questions about the ad, please contact

If you have questions about the journal, please contact

Please email the ad to and